If you buy everything, even if you don't buy a lot of shares, it will cost a lot of money together. The downside is that when the market plummeted, the funds you could have gradually increased your positions are now taken up and gone.Even if there is still some money, which one do you add in the face of so many positions? If you are really given a chance to increase your position by a big drop, you can't achieve the purpose of spreading the cost at all with what little money you have left. Don't say it doesn't make sense to reduce the cost of the whole account, even for the stock you added, it doesn't help much.
If you want to control the smoothness of the overall account, the position can be appropriately small, such as a medium position, and some funds can be reserved for better opportunities. In this way, you can attack and defend. You expect to go up, but you are not afraid of going down, because you are still a potential buyer, and you can do it more easily.Think about it, at that time, you can get rid of the same workplace as cattle and horses, and get rid of the infinite complexity of life. You don't have to bow to anyone, you don't have to smile, and you can travel around the world and do anything you want with a mobile phone.If it seems that there are not so many things you like, only one or two, then just hold these two and never settle for it. Especially when you are particularly optimistic and particularly sure, you can hold these two in a heavy position.
Even if there is still some money, which one do you add in the face of so many positions? If you are really given a chance to increase your position by a big drop, you can't achieve the purpose of spreading the cost at all with what little money you have left. Don't say it doesn't make sense to reduce the cost of the whole account, even for the stock you added, it doesn't help much.Think about it, at that time, you can get rid of the same workplace as cattle and horses, and get rid of the infinite complexity of life. You don't have to bow to anyone, you don't have to smile, and you can travel around the world and do anything you want with a mobile phone.
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13